Legal Notices

February 23, 2012 issue

Notice of Public Meeting

Russell Road/Mill Creek Culvert Replacement Project

5 March 2012

6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

City Council Chambers

500 East Division Street

Forks, WA 98331

The public is invited to come meeting with City staff and consultants with ExelTech to go over the proposal for the replacement of the Russell Road/Mill Creek Culverts.  Draft design documents will be available for review and discussion.  An open house approach will be utilized with the objective of the City staff and consultants providing a brief overview of the project, its funding source, and the specific design issues associated with the project. 

Individuals requiring special assistance in order to participate in the hearing should contact Mr. Fleck prior to the meeting. He can be reached at 360/374-5412, ext. 245. 

Published Forks Forum Thursday, February 23 and Thursday, March 1, 2012


West End Motors Inc.

192681 Highway 101

Forks WA 98331

2 p.m. Monday, February 27, 2012

(viewing 1 hour before auction)

1998 Ford License  #B46646G

Published Forks Forum Thursday, February 23, 2012