What message are we sending?

I’m sure by now everyone has heard of the drama happening at the high school. I just want to put out there, what no one seems to be saying........


Dear Editor,

I’m sure by now everyone has heard of the drama happening at the high school. I just want to put out there, what no one seems to be saying. We’ve all let this child down. One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein.

He said, “If I were to remain silent, I would be guilty of complicity.” I try to live my life like that. But I haven’t been as outspoken as I should have been for this child.

Like all people in Forks … you might know OF someone but you don’t actually know them. So I have kept the things I have heard, and seen, bottled up … waiting for someone with direct knowledge to step up. I believe some have, obviously with the school board turnover.

But as a town, as a collective of parents, we haven’t done enough.

I was abused sexually as a child. I’m not saying this to be treated as a victim. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. It happened and I’ve done my therapy.

Why I mention it is that I could barely sit in a room and face my abuser when I was 35 years old. The courage it takes to stand up for your own safety and well-being as a teenager, against adults that are in positions of power? It’s absolutely deserving of recognition.

Whether there was an actual crime as described by law or just some occasional social media contact doesn’t make the student’s bravery any less and doesn’t make the teacher’s actions any more tolerable in my eyes. This adult took their position of power and used it against a child. Shame on them.

And what does this student get in return for their bravery? Vicious rumors flying around town, bad names at school, loss of friends possibly? And to top it off … they have to look at this person every day. Because as a collective of adults … we have let this child down. We have all known crap was happening at the school … huge teacher turnover, disgruntled staff, a lot of small things being swept under the carpet. It has to stop.

The message that is being perpetuated at this moment is go ahead and tell … nothing is going to happen. Can you think of any worse message being sent to children?

If there are ideas as to what more we can do besides go to school board meeting and get shut down, I welcome them. We the people run this town and the school board and superintendent work for us. Maybe some need a reminder.

Rebecca Hamlin
