Cold weather impacts electric bills

No one likes to be surprised with a higher than normal electric bill, but the fact is that weather affects energy use throughout the year.......


No one likes to be surprised with a higher than normal electric bill, but the fact is that weather affects energy use throughout the year, especially during cold winter months.  Higher than normal bills at this time are strictly the result of cold weather.

“The extremely cold weather we experienced during December and early January, combined with increased use during the holidays, could result in higher than normal electric bills for Clallam PUD customers and residents across the state,” said Doug Nass, PUD General Manager.

“The colder the temperature, the more electricity you use. For example, on a very cold winter day, a home heating system runs longer to circulate warm air through the home, even though it is set at the same temperature as normal. In addition, more people stay inside on cold days using more electricity than they would if they weren’t home,” Nass said.

Weather matters, but there are steps customers can take to mitigate higher bills during cold spells.

What can you do? Be prepared and take advantage of the energy efficiency programs and incentives offered by the PUD. The PUD’s programs include duct sealing, high efficiency replacement windows, high efficiency heat pumps, ductless heat pumps and insulation.

Learn more by visiting the PUD’s web site at:

Additionally, if you are having difficulty paying your bill, there are options such as “budget billing,” low-income senior citizen discounts, low-income disabled discounts and assistance through local community action agencies. Visit the PUD’s website for more information.

The PUD did increase residential electric rates an average of approximately 3.8 percent on bills rendered on or after April 1 which is only about $4.20 per month for the average PUD residential customer (1,200 kWh/month).

For additional information on the PUD, visit