Community news

Child care forum

The Quileute Tribal Child Care will host a public forum at 1 p.m. June 21 to discuss the changes for the 2014-2015 year. This forum is mandated by its CCDF federal grant to inform the public of any changes that will be accruing.


The forum is in the West Wing of the Tribal office. For more information, call 374-5633.


P.C. art show winners

Exhibitors in the annual Peninsula College Student Art Show were feted in a special celebration and awards ceremony in the PUB Gallery of Art on Thursday, June 6.


The exhibition of student artwork ran through June 12 and featured 67 works of art by 32 students. Awards were given for Best of Show, Best of 2-D, Best of 3-D and Best of Photography. Five Honorable Mentions were also awarded. This year’s judge was Robin Anderson, director of the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center.


A special award, the President’s Merritt Award, also was presented, and the winning art piece was selected by P.C. President Dr. Luke Robins.


The winning artists and their artwork include:


Honorable Mention Artwork: “General Cadenas Veer”


Artist: Eddy Bartley, Forks

The cash awards were made possible by the Peninsula College Foundation and its donors, and Honorable Mentions were given gift certificates from Olympic Stationers.


Other students who had artwork on exhibit include Jessica Banzet, Samantha Conlin, Krystina Davis, Radhiah Fathaniah, J. Foster, Eri Ikeda, Mary James, Abigail Jones, Brooke Kettle, Corey Lubrie, Alexander Miles, Katie Oliver, Frankie Reed, Molly Riverstone, David Rodriguez, Cassandra Roland, Elijah Sanford, Gabriel Sanwald, Ruby Trinh, Michaela Unruh, Sandralee “Pink” Wasous, Marissa Wilson, Joshua Wisner and Kristopher Young.


Elks Senior alarm program

Forks Elks Lodge will provide 60 eligible seniors with a combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm at no charge.


This will be an annual program provided by a Gratitude Grant from Elks National Foundation.


Contact Lance Slyter, program director, for screening and information at 461-2630.


Elks care about senior safety.


Join in the fun

Kick up your heels to original country tunes by Deception Past, a Seattle- based band that just released its new CD, “If You Know What I Mean.”


Annan Bowlby, Clallam Bay High School graduate, is a member of Deception Past and will be joining the rest of his 2003 Clallam Bay High School class to celebrate their 10-year high school reunion.


The concert will be held from 8-10 p.m., Friday, June 14, at the Sekiu Community Hall.


It’s open to the public, so join the fun. CDs will be available. A $5 donation is suggested for admittance.