Does it really rain every July Fourth?

The warmest day for the Fourth was 93° in 1975; this is the only year in the 90°s on the 4th, the average...

Forks 4th of July weather facts

by Jerry R. King

The warmest day for the Fourth was 93° in 1975; this is the only year in the 90°s on the 4th, the average high is 69°

We have only had seven years in the 80s on the 4th: 1908 82°, 1922 81°, 1926 82°, 1958 86°, 1960 80°, 1972 89°and 1997 82°.

We have had three years of below 40°; 1918 39°, 1933 39° and 2011 39°

Average low for the Fourth is 48°

The wettest Fourth of July was in 1936 with 1.26 inches of rain. This is the only year that we had over an inch of rain in the 104 years of records.

The average rainfall is 0.17 inches.

Of the 104 years of records, 54 years have had no rain on the 4th of July and 50 years with rainfall.

Forks 4th of July weather facts

by Jerry R. King

The warmest day for the Fourth was 93° in 1975; this is the only year in the 90°s on the 4th.

the average high is 69°

We have only had seven years in the 80s on the 4th: 1908 82°, 1922 81°, 1926 82°, 1958 86°, 1960 80°, 1972 89°and 1997 82°.

We have had three years of below 40°; 1918 39°, 1933 39° and 2011 39°

Average low for the Fourth is 48°

The wettest Fourth of July was in 1936 with 1.26 inches of rain. This is the only year that we had over an inch of rain in the 104 years of records.

The average rainfall is 0.17 inches.

Of the 104 years of records, 54 years have had no rain on the 4th of July and 50 years with rainfall.