It’s Curtains for the RAC … in a good way and how’s the weather?

It’s curtains for you …is never a good thing to hear unless it’s Bugs Bunny saying it …or unless it’s real curtains that might be going up in the Rainforest Arts Center. Theatrical curtains ad a bit of drama and if someone were to sometime in the future want to do a play, or the like at the RAC, they could set up behind said curtain ….and it would be great!

Forks Chamber Directory Lissy Andros has been working on a grant to get a curtain in the RAC and last week she and Rod Fleck met with a technician from a Seattle area company that makes and installs them. Measurements were taken as well as placement options and ideas about color and more were discussed.

Hopefully, the grant will be approved and if all goes well it will be installed sometime in July.

Funnel Cloud

So last week apparently a tornado was forming right outside my office and I was clueless. It was actually a funnel cloud ….

Jeanine Calderon had taken the photo from Forks Outfitters parking lot and …posted to Facebook.

Google says ….Funnel clouds or ‘tuba’ are extending, spinning fingers of cloud that reach towards the ground, but never touch it. When they do reach the ground they become a tornado.

I am not sure if we have ever actually had a tornado but I remember warnings last year in Jefferson County.

Also last week someone who had been out of the area asked me if we had, had any nice weather …in my book …it’s all nice …I really can’t remember from one day to the next what the weather has been unless I have washed my car or unless it is a tornado.

I will have to check with Jerry King and see what our tornado status is.

Until next week ….

Christi Baron, Editor
