Livestock auction to support local youth

The Clallam County Junior Livestock Auction provides local youth with the opportunity to raise and sell livestock annually to the general public. The animal shows are on Aug. 4 and 5. The 2022 auction will take place at 2 p.m. on Aug. 6 at Sequim Prairie Grange 290 MacLeay Rd., Sequim.

Hogs, lambs, steers, and goats are sold by the pound while turkeys and rabbits are sold per animal. Meat chickens are sold in a pen of three. All livestock entered into the sale must meet a strict set of rules that are designed to ensure overall quality and health.

Bidders can sign up prior to the auction and also on the day of the sale. There is an option for proxy bidding if bidders are unable to attend the live auction. This is a non-terminal sale. Buyers have the option of picking up the live animal or having it processed per the buyer’s instructions. While the auction coordinates the processing of the livestock, all harvesting, cutting, wrapping, and curing/smoking of the meat is paid for separately by buyer.

The Clallam County Junior Livestock Auction is a non-profit organization and offers additional options for community members to support local youth engaged in agricultural activities such as add-on project donations.

Please visit or contact Cyndie Stumbaugh at 360-460-6362 to learn more about the upcoming auction.