Motion Magic returns for Summer Reading 2015

As part of the North Olympic Library System's annual summer reading program for young people, Motion Magic will present a special

As part of the North Olympic Library System’s annual summer reading program for young people, Motion Magic will present a special circus-themed storytime on Monday, June 22, and Tuesday, June 23, at three NOLS library locations. On June 22, the duo will perform at 2 p.m. at the Forks Library.

Circus Storytime with Motion Magic! explores the world of stories through circus theater. Featuring exciting acrobatics form Mo Mo the superhero clown and the ninja skills of Ra Ra Randypants, this show has it all: humor, grace, feats of daring and inspiration.

The 2015 Summer Reading Program will take place at all NOLS libraries until Saturday, Aug. 1, and provides an array of educational, cultural and incentive-based programs to encourage children to continue reading and learning during their summer vacations. Research shows that children who participate in summer library programs benefit academically from story hours and special events encouraging them to read throughout the summer.