Preston shooting up the ranks

On Friday, May 24, Forks resident Jon Preston achieved National Association of Rocketry Level 2 certification with the successful launch and recovery of his 77-inch tall, 4-inch diameter Madcow Super DX3 named “Deja View.” This achievement occurred at the Washington Aerospace Club’s annual “Fire in the Sky” launch event held in Mansfield over the Memorial Day weekend.


Weighing 11 pounds, “Deja View” flew on a 54 mm motor with a total of 188 pounds of thrust with a 4-second burn time to 2,280 feet at an average speed of 227 mph. The beautiful paint job on the rocket was provided by Fork’s own Rigby’s Auto Body and Towing.


Level 2 certification involved passing a written exam and successfully launching and recovering without damage a rocket with a motor of more than 640 newtons (143 total pounds of thrust).


To see a video of the launch, CLICK HERE.