Tax help still being offered

AARP/TaxAide is still available to help you with your taxes. The help is being offered in Forks on Saturday, March 30 and Saturday, April 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Forks City Council Chambers. To make an appointment, you can send an email to forkstaxaide @ or call 780-2287. Please leave a message with your name and preference of appointment date and time.

Please bring the following with you when you come for your appointment:

Photo ID

Social Security Card for taxpayer, spouse, dependents

All income statements (such as W-2s, Interest/Dividend Statements, Social Security and Pension 1099s, W-2G, etc.)

All documents necessary to complete your return

Bank account ID numbers, if direct deposit desired (this must be a check for a checking account, or deposit slip for a savings account)

Your 2011 tax return