Who’s Responsible

Dear Editor,

The recent school auction showed how dedicated our community is to supporting our children. The passing of school levies seems to be automatic. I have never heard of another district that compares to ours.

With Diana Reaume as the catalyst we were extremely fortunate to have a news school. Thanks to her tireless determination we owe her a great debt of gratitude.

We have a multitude of good teachers. With all the social issues today such as broken homes, substance abuse, etc., etc … it makes it an exceptionally tough job. Some of these children are raised by grandparents or whomever will accept them into their homes. The great teachers understand this and got the extra distance with a good mixture of compassion, discipline, tutoring, plus whatever else it takes. We need to show them our gratitude.

Our sports programs have some good coaches with several young ones who show great promise. However there are some problems that have bothered me for quite some time. The first is the loss of some quality employees in the past few years that would have preferred to stay. That one is probably the most bothersome.

Next I would like to address the sports programs. I believe we should define what the priorities are. What do we wish to teach? Respect, commitment, integrity, work ethic, sportsmanship, respectfully win, respectfully lose, etc., etc.

Unfortunately it has become acceptable by a small fraction to use profanity. The use of one particular word is used so prolifically as to be deemed a speech impediment. Our boys need to understand that this language isn’t what it takes to become a man. It has also become acceptable to call certain kids “cancer.” Words hurt!

I would rather be hit with a baseball bat!

I wonder how that makes the young person’s parents or grandparents feel? In that context it is a nefarious word meant to inflict maximum pain.

Who’s responsible? Leadership? Anyone that is aware and did nothing including me. It’s always easier to say nothing. It’s always harder to do what’s right. Unfortunately, it can only come from within to change.

It’s our school, those kids are our future.

Rick Gale
