Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range?

There is a little notice on one of the windows in the post office informing us that the Navy is installing a "Pacific Northwest Warfare Range." It gave very little information on what it is, what it will do to the residents of this area, or our animals, plants air or health. It doesn't tell us if it will interfere with our electronic equipment.

There is a little notice on one of the windows in the post office informing us that the Navy is installing a “Pacific Northwest Warfare Range.”

It gave very little information on what it is, what it will do to the residents of this area, or our animals, plants air or health.

It doesn’t tell us if it will interfere with our electronic equipment.

I have asked quite a few people and no one seems to have any answers.

Can someone enlighten us?

Thank You,

D. Brown

Forks, WA