A Look Back: This Week in the Forks Forum

Twenty-five years ago – A tree controversy was front-page news this week in 1995 in the Forks Forum. Trees outside the Forks Library were in jeopardy of being removed to make way for widening Mainstreet by 18 inches. The Library offered to assume liability but the city rejected the offer …it did not end well for the trees.

50 years ago – The school’s Spring Concert was held under the direction of Robert Jones. In addition to the high school band playing a number of selections, Terry Burr and Bill Brager were part of a special brass ensemble. The finale number, a rock selection, featured the dynamic talent of drummer Hugh Wentworth.

75 years ago – The class of 1945 graduated this week 75 years ago. The commencement was held in the school gymnasium. Speaking at the ceremony were honor students Betty Goodwin Palmer and Robert Swerin. Swerin also led the flag salute at the start of the evening. His speech was entitled “Americans do the greatest things.”