January Students of the Month

The Student of the Month project is sponsored by Soroptimist International of the Olympic Rain Forest (SIORF) and the HULL Family Foundation. Students of the Month are chosen by their teachers and honored with their parents at school for consistently displaying respect and responsibility for their behavior and academic achievement and always making good choices.

Izael Perez Velasquez is the January 7th grade Student of the Month at Forks Junior High School. His mother and father are Lorena and Pascual Perez. His favorite subjects in school are Math, English, and PE and outside of school, he loves listening to music, fishing, watching movies, and visiting family and his favorite food is tacos.

His goals this year are to be a straight-A student and get into 8th-grade Algebra. Staff at Forks Junior High report that Izael consistently works hard to complete quality work, seeks clarification when he does not understand fully, actively participates in class discussions, and adds depth to the conversations. Izael is kind and helpful to others, and he enjoys helping others succeed. One teacher said, “Izael is a prime example of what it means to be student of the month.

I appreciate his warm smile and his willingness to lend a hand. Izael always helps to put up the chairs at the end of the day, checks the Chromebooks to make sure they’re returned correctly and never fails to stay an extra minute to tidy up my classroom as the rest of the students head out upon hearing the dismissal bell.” Congratulations, Izael, for winning Student of the Month!

Riyan Goetze is also a 7th grade Student of the Month at Forks Junior High School. Her parents are Jaymi and Philip Goetze. Her favorite subjects in school are Math and Social Studies and outside of school, the things she likes to do most are reading and playing with her sister. Her favorite food is spaghetti and Texas toast.

Her dream job is to become a Math teacher and her goal this year is to get into 8th Algebra. One teacher reports, “Riyan is an amazing, intelligent person all around. She loves learning, seeks to be challenged, and asks for more if she finishes a task early. Riyan is a great example at this age of how to be yourself and be confident in your own skin.

She influences her peers to work hard and be true to themselves.” Another teacher said, “Riyan is a star student. She shines with her ability to tackle any task with a positive attitude and always asks for help or clarification when needed. Riyan is kind to everyone, helpful with her classmates, and is willing to share her great ideas during class discussion. Her attention to detail and her organizational skills help to keep her prepared and ahead of the game. I appreciate her perseverance, her willingness to learn new things, and her warm smile.” Congratulations, Riyan, on winning Student of the Month!

Kevin Camacho Roldan is an 8th grade Student of the Month at Forks Junior High School. His mom’s name is Gabriela Camacho Roldan and his dad is Eduardo Nestor. His favorite subject in school is Math and outside of school his favorite activity is training hard for Track and Cross-Country.

His goal this year is to get better at the many sports he plays and his dream job in the future is to become an astronaut. Staff at Forks Junior High have reported that Kevin is a careful and thoughtful learner; he asks questions when he needs extra help, and he is always productive during independent work-time.

One teacher said, “Kevin works hard and is motivated by his grades. He is responsible and consistently checks in on his work if he is absent, and often does interventions to improve his assessment scores. He is polite and respectful, and a positive leader when he works in a team.”

Another teacher said, “Kevin is a quiet, soft-spoken soul who leads by quiet example; his daily behavior speaks volumes about being productive, kind, and respectful. I can see how he inspires his classmates, and probably staff too; to be kind and try your best. He makes Math class a better place.” Congratulations, Kevin, on winning Student of the Month!

Morgan Teglia is also an 8th grade Student of the Month at Forks Junior High School. Her parents are Patrick and Charlene Teglia. Her favorite subjects in school are Math and Language Arts; outside of school, she loves baking, drawing, reading, and ballet. Her favorite food is lasagna, and her dream job is to become a Culinary Artist.

One teacher said, “Morgan is a wonderful student. She is positive ALL the time, and always has a smile and looks for something good in every situation. She is extremely organized (a great model for other students), and she has a fun sense of humor. When working in a team, Morgan is a great leader who can help without doing all the work for others… she pushes others to do their best! “ Another teacher said, “Miss Teglia is a unique and quite classy young lady with a great sense of individualism and creativity, a meticulous learner who puts a lot of effort into making sure her work is accurate and thorough, and a caring, wonderful friend to staff and students. I always look forward to her bright eyes and smile in class, and I am really looking forward to seeing what she does in her life.” Congratulations, Morgan, on winning Student of the Month!

Congratulations to these Student for being selected by their teacher for January Student of the Month!

Kevin Comacho Roldan

Kevin Comacho Roldan

Morgan Teglia

Morgan Teglia

Rian Goetze

Rian Goetze