
From the group’s Facebook

page …

“You may have already started seeing these posters around Forks, in storefronts, and in homes. You may be wondering the purpose of this poster. So, here’s the deal. A group of community members, from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and places in our community, sat down and had a conversation about our role in this current state. What can we do? This is the community we love, and we agreed that our voice could be a voice for bringing our community together through our positive actions.

There will be people who say that this is not enough right now. To those people, hopefully, you will be able to acknowledge that this is meant to be a part of the solution and effort- not the whole solution or effort, but this is the place where we believe we can have the most impact.

To those who feel that our community is overall a great place to live, we agree! We want to show that we believe the amazing people who live among us do want what is best for every person in our community. Heck, we are a community of people who can raise $100K in an online auction in a week to support our seniors.

It is our hope that this poster will help communicate to others that we, as a community, are committed to listen, self-reflect, learn and grow. We are committed to accepting all colors, beliefs, and backgrounds while working on ways we can use our actions to substantiate our words.

This image does not represent any specific incident or political view, nor is it meant to show support or opposition of any movement. Instead, this image represents that we, as a community, will promote positive change and grow together.”
