The Forks Chamber of Commerce is currently seeking nominees for the 20th annual Best of our Community Awards

Nominees for Citizen of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and

Business of

the Year are needed.

Dear Community Member:

The 20th Annual Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year, Business of the Year, and Volunteer of the Year awards will be presented on Wednesday, February 10 at Noon during our most favorite meeting of the year.

We will announce the location (in person or online) for this meeting in January. The deadline for nominations is 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 22, 2021.

This will mark a time when we give public recognition to a citizen, a Chamber business, and a volunteer who have made outstanding contributions to our community during the year.

You are an important link in the process of selecting the recipients. We encourage you to nominate an individual, business, and/or a volunteer that you think is worthy of such recognition.

Nominate as many individuals and businesses as you wish. Please complete the Candidate Nomination Form and submit it to the Chamber, along with any other background material that you feel may be pertinent. Please sign the form so we can contact you if we have questions.

You can also submit nominations online at

Please do not assume that someone else will nominate an obvious choice. A brief outline of the basic qualifications is provided for your review. Nominations may be made by all members of the community. Citizen and volunteer nominees do not need to be members of the Forks Chamber of Commerce. However, business nominees must be a current member of the Forks Chamber of Commerce.

Lissy Andros

Executive Director

Criteria for

nominees are:

Citizen of the Year: The nominee must be a resident of the West End of Clallam or Jefferson County with activities centered in this area. A citizen who embodies selflessness, integrity, and promotes the good of the community through professional and/or volunteer activities. Activities or services should have been performed above the normal duties of an employed position.

Volunteer of the Year: This award is given to the volunteer most deserving of recognition for community service to a specific agency, and involvement in the West End of Clallam and Jefferson County.

Business of the Year: This award is given to a Forks Chamber of Commerce member business deemed most deserving of recognition for community service and involvement. Business practices include evidence of good business ethics and employee support.

Nomination forms are available at the Forks Visitor Information Center/Chamber Office, 1411 S. Forks Ave., or request one by email at The deadline for nominations is 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 22, 2021.

Winners will be selected by the Forks Chamber of Commerce Board. Winners of the ‘Best Of Awards’ will be announced/honored at the Feb. 13 Chamber meeting at Blakeslee’s Bar and Grill, 1222 S. Forks Ave., at noon.

Past “Best of” award recipients:

Listed in order: Business of the Year – Citizen of the Year – Volunteer of the Year

2001 Jerry’s Rentals, Al Monroe, Link Mueller

2002 Forks Thriftway, Jack Zaccardo, Ginger Haberman

2003 Vagabond Restaurant, Ken Schostak, Paul Headley

2004 Lloyd George Jewelry, Barb Gronseth, Chuck Smith

2005 Forks Forum, Dick Haberman, Scott Seaman

2006 Sully’s Drive-In, Pat Soderlind, Willard Morgan

2007 West End Surf Shop, Nedra Reed, Randy Mesenbrink

2008 Forks Outfitters, Bruce Guckenberg, Dave Hersom

2009 Dazzled by Twilight, John Calhoun, Warren Johnson

2010 Ken Bechtold Logging, Marcia Yanish, Christi Baron

2011 Hungry Bear Café, Robin Schostak, Leith Grahn

2012 JT’s Sweet Stuffs, Michael Gurling, Cindy Mesenbrink

2013 Chinook Pharmacy, Bruce Guckenberg, John Glover

2014 Dahlgren Logging, Edith Henry, Dean Hurn

2015 Blakeslee’s Bar & Grill, Dixie Gaydeski, Donna Kimball

2016 Forks Forum, Christi Baron – Editor, Frank Hanson, Joe Wright

2017 Clear River Construction Inc., Lonnie Archibald, Mark Soderlind

2018 Forks Avenue Real Estate, Cheri tinker, Chad and Shannon Dahlgren

2019 Concerned Citizens, Trooper Allen Nelson, Glenn King

In 2016 Forks Outfitters was awarded a lifetime achievement award and in 2017 the Inez Halverson Award was introduced to acknowledge an entity that makes a difference in our community, the first recipient was Olympic Corrections Center. The “Halvie Award” is selected by the Chamber of Commerce Board. In 2018 the Forks Lions received the “Halvy Award” and in 2019 the Forks Police Department and Chief Mike Rowley were bestowed the honor.