Remember the Logger’s Memorial

Dear Community,

For Hickory Shirt Days and Heritage Days please visit the Forks Logger’s Memorial. There are 857 names of loggers, truckers, timber fallers, mill workers and people who dedicated their lives to the timber industry on the Honor Roll.

I am sure you will know many of the names listed. They are part of the history and heritage of the West End. We are honored to place their names beneath the beautiful Logger Statue carved by local artist Dennis Chastain. Did you know the timber industry is classified as one of the most dangerous jobs in America?

Timber workers love the outdoors and are proud of what they do. It takes a special type of person to go over the side of a mountain to work in the rain, heat, bugs, bees, wind, hail, or snow and then get up tomorrow at 4 a.m. to do it all over again. They work hard for their paychecks. Hickory Shirt Days is a celebration to honor you. We are proud of you and stay safe!

Jo Marie Miller

Forks Logger Memorial Committee