Remembering the Loggers Memorial

Dear Community

The Forks Loggers Memorial was dedicated in 1992 and was built entirely with volunteer labor materials and money. The memorial honors those who have perished while working in the industry but also the timber workers who continue to provide our nation with lumber and paper products.

While enduring elements daily, the hard work, and early morning hours – Loggers are proud of what they do. Logging is listed as one of the most dangerous jobs in America – even with advancements in safety for workers.

A 12-foot-tall statue of western red cedar carved by local artist Dennis Chastain and his wife Margret stands vigil as a symbol of honor and appreciation.

Nomination forms can be found at the Forks Timber Museum or by calling 360-640-4326 for more information. Please visit the Forks Loggers Memorial and Forks Timber Museum soon.

JoMarie Miller

Logger Memorial Committeee