Finding Peace through Spiritual Practice

The Interfaith Amigos Book Study

Beginning on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 6 p.m., and Thursday, Jan. 19, at noon, everyone in Forks and the surrounding area is invited to Prince of Peace fellowship hall for a book study that “can help us transcend those roadblocks to effective collaboration on the critical issues of our time.”

It is hoped that people from each of the major religious traditions come to these discussions … and anyone who is interested in developing more ability to listen across cultural and religious differences. The goal is to help us all be able to become more supportive and helpful of each other.

This is part of a peninsula-wide book study which will include an opportunity to meet with the Interfaith Amigos on Feb. 11 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E. Lopez Ave., in Port Angeles. The West End group will meet for six weeks, Wednesday evenings and we will share soup, salads and bread. Thursdays, it’s bring your own lunch and Pastor Pam provides dessert! Pastor Pam will have books for purchase! Call Prince of Peace at 374-6343 if you are interested in participating.