Clallam County District II Court Report

The following people were fined $100 or more and/or received jail sentences when they appeared in Clallam County District II Court In Forks:

Bandon Alborn was fined $500 and sentenced to 364 days of jail with 360 suspended for Malicious Mischief Domestic Violence.

Elmer Preston was fined $300 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 85 days suspended for Driving With License Suspended Third Degree.

Angela Jones was fined $0 and sentenced to 364 days of jail with 354 days suspended for Violation of DomesticViolence No Contact Order.

Cleopatra Matthews was fined $500 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 45 days suspended for Obstructing/Resisting.

Tracy S. Baker was fined $250 and sentenced to 364 days of jail with 364 days suspended for Violation of Domestic Violence Protection order and fined $950 and sentenced to 364 days of jail with 363 days suspended for Driving Under the Influence.

Amanda Woods was fined $250 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 87 days suspended for Driving with License Suspended Third Degree, and was fined $250 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 88 days suspended for Driving With License Suspended Third Degree.

Leonard Stubbs was fined $250 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 87 days suspended for Driving With License Suspended Third Degree.

The following people received Orders Modifying Probation Supervision:

Angela Jones will serve 10 additional days in jail.

Zachary Beck will serve 15 additional days in jail.

Shane Lewallen will receive continued court monitoring.