Fill the Boot Fundraiser for Ukraine

Sergei Holmquist is a former resident of Ukraine and still has family in that country. The recent activity in that country has been a real concern for him.

The community is asked to come to support Sergei and his home country, THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 18 from 1:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., downtown, outside Decker City Hardware at a “Fill the Boot” fundraiser to benefit Ukrainian Refugees.

Come fill the boots or buy, for $5, a special Ukraine-inspired cookie from A Bushel & A Peck Bakery. Cash donations will go into the boot. Checks can be made out to Prince of Peace, make a note on the detail line, For: “LWR”.

All funds raised will be contributed to the Lutheran World Relief – Ukrainian Refugee fund.

Can’t make the event? Donations may also be dropped off at Lunsford’s, 121 Campbell St. Sergei works as a broker at Lunsford’s.

Almost every dollar will go directly to refugee assistance and with over two million refugees fleeing their homes with just a suitcase or a backpack, they are going to need help. Every contribution will make a difference.

Thank you in advance! Thanks also to Lunsford’s Real Estate, Sergei Holmquist, Decker City Hardware, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, and A Bushel and A Peck Bakery.