FOFA Fundraiser

Friends of Forks Animals is now selling tickets to win a huge basket full of goodies for both humans and pets! .............


Friends of Forks Animals is now selling tickets to win a huge basket full of goodies for both humans and pets! The tickets are $1 and the drawing will be held on Dec. 12. You don’t have to be present to win!

The organization has been hit hard this year with requests for food and helping animals that need to be placed in rescues. Thanks to Bob at Forks True Value, pet food can be dropped off at the store for the Friends to help families feed their pets over the holidays.

During the hours of 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Nov. 20, the FOFA will be at Forks Outfitter’s selling tickets for the basket. A list of the items in the basket will be on display.

Cash donations always are welcome and especially needed because of the demands made during this past year. Thriftway receipts always are appreciated.

Please support the only animal organization helping the entire West End of Clallam County. Most of all remember to have your pet spayed or neutered. For information, call 374-3332 and leave a message.