On Wednesday night, Lion Nancy Messmer was surprised to receive a Melvin Jones Progressive Fellowship pin and letter from International President, President Brian Sheehan. She was honored by Past Council Chair Gary Reidel from Port Angeles and Past International Director Don Shove from Snohomish.
At the Spring Lions Convention in Ferndale, it was announced that Dr. Messmer would be receiving the award from Council Chair Steve Noble, to recognize her commitment over several years to humanitarian service, especially in the area of environment. Lions work to “preserve our planet, knowing that the health of our local communities and environments affects us all. Our goal is to help establish a sustainable future for generations to come.” LCIF
It is a special honor for a member to be recognized in their own Lion’s Club. Lion Gary Reidel represents the six Lions Club on the north side of the Olympic Peninsula for the Lions Clubs International Foundation, District L. Past International Director Don Shove (one of the founders of the Crescent Bay Lions) represents LCIF for all of Districts from Richmond BC down through Seattle and south.