Salute to the governor

Forks High has produced a new governor of the state of Washington.


Sehar Bokhari, who represented Forks High School at the annual American Legion Auxiliary Evergreen Girls State, recently was elected by her peers to Girls State Governor, the highest office at Girls State.


Bokhari passed through all stages of the political process from the city/county level through her political party’s primaries before winning the General Election. Bokhari, in the center of the photograph at left, with glasses, was photographed with other Girls State officials, including the lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, state auditor, U.S. senators and more.


This weeklong event, held this year from June 9-15, is a gathering of the top high school juniors from around Washington.


Approximately 300 girls are selected by their high school history teachers and go through a rigorous application process to become Girls State attendees.


The program provides young women with an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens and informs them about the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship.


Through participation in Girls State, the students gain a better understanding of the functions of their government and the responsibilities they will assume as they become adults.