Seattle family gets a charge outta Forks

By Joe Smillie

Forks Forum Editor

Bob and Arlene Zornes had a set of electric visitors at their Forks 101 RV Park recently, as a Seattle family rented a site to charge up their electric car.


“They probably spent about six hours charging the thing,” Bob Zornes said. “I think they were real happy to be kind of on the cutting edge.”


The family, a husband, wife and two children, checked in to the Zornes’ RV park at 901 S. Forks Ave. during the afternoon and plugged their car in to charge it up before driving down to Kalaloch. Zornes said they returned about 10 p.m. and let it charge for the night.


“I don’t know that I’d want to make that sort of trip with a couple of kids, but none of them complained about it at all,” Zornes said.


The car plugged in to the 50-amp outlet the park has for larger RVs.


They paid for an RV site to offset the Zornes’ electric bill, as the sites do not have meters to gauge how much electricity was used.


Reflecting on the stop, Zornes noted Forks is a good spot for a charging station, as the couple reported their car gets about 268 miles out of a charge. Forks would then make a good half-way point for drivers who loop the peninsula, Zornes said.


But Zornes, who has run the RV park with his wife, Arlene, for 28 years, said he’ll leave it to someone else to set up a charging station.