Students of Character – Quiet Leadership

Eram’e Tost

Eram’e is a hardworking student, albeit quiet. She always gets her work done and does what she should be doing, even if nobody else is. I have never questioned her integrity, honesty, or wondered if she is doing the right thing or what she is supposed to. She is a great role model for her peers and I admire her work ethic and her quiet leadership. Her polite, respectful, and kind nature has not gone unnoticed.

Ms. Murray

Kendall Marshall

Kendall is hardworking and always gets her work done.She is honest, kind, and I have never wondered if she is doing the right thing. While quiet, she is still a leader and a role model to her peers who can turn to her for direction.

Ms. Murray

Nate Dahlgren

Although quiet, Nate is a hard worker and always gets his work done. He is a great role model not only for all of his peers as a whole, but for his friends in his classes, too. While not blatantly stated, it is clear that his friends and peers respect him, trust him, and admire his work ethic.

Ms. Murray

Lindsey (Raven)


Raven is an exceptional student and overall young lady in general. She has an abundance of compassion for others and she quietly leads with success. Not only is Raven actively able to lead in the classroom, but also for the entire school. She is part of ASB this year and has been able to actively participate in making school a better place for her peers. When she notices or learns of a student struggling in some area, she is quick to provide support without going over the top. Raven’s future is bright and her ability to lead will take her far in life!

Ms. Vander Veur

Hector Dominguez

I’m not sure if Hector gives himself enough credit for being the leader he is. In classrooms and through the hallways, I can see how much respect other students have for him. Not only do other students respect him, but when Hector is working hard on something, he’s able to draw other students in and he helps the whole team stay organized. When it comes to sports, assignments, or big projects like the school yearbook, Hector is able to organize a plan that everyone follows. Hector will be an asset to any organization now and in the future.

Ms. Vander Veur

Rylee Kennedy

Rylee is a quiet, kind, and respectful student. She seems to enjoy helping others, even if she does it quietly and she advocates for the needs of others as she sees them arise. There have been countless times in yearbook class where I’ve noticed Rylee quietly helping another student. I really appreciate her ability to see a need and help out when she can.

Ms. Vander Veur

Annika Leverington

Although quiet, Annika has been able to come out of her shell a bit in advisory and it seems like she surrounds herself with great friends. When presented with opportunities in advisory, Annika is quick to provide her assistance and leads the group in whatever activity they are doing. She took on winter door decorating this year and led the class in making it beautiful. I’m thankful for Annika and glad she took charge in that activity. Her gentle leadership skills are supportive and I’m excited to see what the future holds for her.

Ms. Vander Veur

Hailey Garcia-Moog

Hailey comes to biology class each day and quietly takes her seat, ready to learn. Whether it is direct instruction, a lab, or individual assignments, Hailey is consistently working diligently without engaging in side conversations. She sets the example for a strong work ethic every day without saying a word. Her persistence and capacity to focus on the work at hand regardless of the distractions around her will serve her well beyond academia in the “real world” where learning may occur in a variety of environments. I am very grateful to have Hailey, the quiet leader, setting the example in my classroom every day.

Mr. Starr

Annika Leverington

Annika does a fantastic job of leading by example during Algebra class! She pays diligent attention to lessons, is always kind and fully respectful to everyone around her, and is very quick when it comes to efficiently completing her work and mastering new skills. She is excellent at staying on task and is a wonderful student.

Ms. Fuller

Antonia Joaquin Pedro

When Antonia comes to Marine Science each day, I can always count on her ability to be a quiet leader. It is clear from her focus and determination that she is here to work hard and learn. Whether it is direct instruction, a lab, or individual assignments, Antonia is consistently working diligently without engaging in side conversations. She sets the example for a strong work ethic every day without saying a word. Her persistence and capacity to focus on the work at hand regardless of the distractions around her will serve her well beyond academia in the “real world” where learning may occur in a variety of environments. I am very grateful to have Antonia, the quiet leader, setting the example in my classroom every day.

Mr. Starr

Florentina Matias Pablo

When Florentia comes to Marine Science each day, I can always count on her ability to be a quiet leader. It is clear from her focus and determination that she is here to work hard and learn. Whether it is direct instruction, a lab, or individual assignments, Florentia is consistently working diligently without engaging in side conversations. She sets the example for a strong work ethic every day without saying a word. Her persistence and capacity to focus on the work at hand regardless of the distractions around her will serve her well beyond academia in the “real world” where learning may occur in a variety of environments. I am very grateful to have Florentia, the quiet leader, setting the example in my classroom every day.

Mr. Starr

Moli Luong

Moli is always kind, patient, and respectful during Algebra class. She leads by example by always being on task and by continuously working hard. While she is usually quiet in class, she still contributes to lessons with great input and feedback when she is called on, and always has a fantastic attitude.

Ms. Fuller

Marysleidy Hernandez-Beltran

Marys always displays leadership in Algebra! She pays full attention to all lectures and participates in class with a great attitude. She diligently completes all her work and bonus work regularly. She is kind and respectful and she always exceeds the classroom expectations. Marys always comes to class excited to learn math, and she always does the right thing.

Ms. Fuller

Jorge Diaz-Rodriguez

Jorge is a phenomenal student well-known in Algebra for leading by example. He works diligently during class, and is kind, respectful, and helpful to everyone around him. He gives his all when it comes to every mathematics assignment and is persistent when it comes to learning new and challenging concepts. I also greatly appreciate the positive attitude that he displays in the classroom daily!

Ms. Fuller

Reyna Ayala-Weed

Reyna is a dedicated student who is able to keep focused on her work even when others are distracted. She shows others what a dedicated student looks like.

Ms. French

Jonah Lyman

Jonah follows his own strong sense of morality and is never swayed by others and their actions.

Ms. French

Maggie Sifuentes

Maggie Sifuentes perfectly displays quiet leadership in Algebra class. She works hard and efficiently stays on task, and is always respectful to those around her. She gives awesome insight when discussing mathematics, and she always strives towards achieving a greater understanding of each topic. I am very grateful to have her as a student and have been very impressed with the growth she’s shown in learning algebra!

Ms. Fuller

Bridgett Jacobson

Bridget is a quiet leader in the way she comes to class ready to learn everyday with a positive attitude.

Ms. Miller

Eram´e Tost

Eram’e is a quiet leader in the way she communicates positively with others.

Ms. Miller

Abraham Montealegre

Abraham is a quiet leader in the way he models positive choices in class.

Ms. Miller

Marysleidy Hernandez Beltran

Marsleidy is a quiet leader in the way she helps others in class.

Ms. Miller

Conner Demorest

Conner is never flashy or loud, he rarely calls attention to himself, and yet, he is widely well liked, respected, and listened to when he speaks. He is a skilled athlete who works hard and never complains. He leads by example; he is not eager to impress, he just does what needs to be done and does it well. Others take notice and appreciate his consistency and quiet leadership.

Ms. Peregrine

Lynda Jeronimo-Pablo:

I believe that Lynda Jeronimo-Pablo is an excellent candidate for the Quiet Leadership title in Character Strong. Lynda is the type of kid that can always be counted on to be doing the right thing regardless of what else may be going on around her. She is a leader by example and is never flashy, arrogant, or boisterous about her leadership. Regardless of what else is going on in class, I can always count on her to be focused and prepared. She is a dedicated art student who is not afraid of hard work, is incredibly well-mannered, and is steadfast in her pursuit of improving her art. Her quiet strength emanates from her in the classroom and is often a calming presence in an otherwise high-energy environment.

Dr. Cavill

Nate Dahlgren

Nate does a great job of just getting his assignments done as soon as they are given to him. He also does a good job of helping the teachers with teaching other students the material too. I hear other students talk about him as always working and getting everything right. He is a great example for other students on how they should act and do their classwork.

Mr. Rogers

Gunner Rogers

Gunner does a great job of just getting his assignments done as soon as they are given to him. He also does a good job of helping the teachers with teaching other students the material too. I hear other students talk about him as always working and getting everything right. He is a great example for other students on how they should act and do their classwork.

Mr. Rogers

Reyna Ayala-Weed:

I believe that Reyna Ayala-Weed is an excellent candidate for the Quiet Leadership title in Character Strong. Reyna is one of the quietest students I’ve ever had the pleasure of having in an art class. She is surprisingly dedicated to her school work and never has to be asked to stay on task. She is willing to ask questions and is never embarrassed or afraid to request assistance when needed. Furthermore, she is always the first to offer assistance when she can and always does so in a respectful and kind manner. She is a calming ray of sunshine everywhere that she goes and positively affects the other students around her, even if she doesn’t directly interact with them. Reyna is always quick to smile and even quicker to question things she sees as unjust. I hope that she never changes.

Dr. Cavill

Emerson McKee:

I believe that Emerson McKee is an excellent candidate for the Quiet Leadership title in Character Strong. Emerson is one of those students that art teachers only experience a few times in their careers. She is an absolute art-sponge and soaks up any and all opportunities to enhance her own skills which are already incredible for someone her age. Despite already being an excellent artist, she is humble enough to be willing to try new things in the art room, and to help those around her who are struggling. More than once I’ve noticed Emerson helping others without ever expecting anything in return. In fact, I occasionally worry that she will take on too much in order to help her peers. She has a truly wonderful heart and is the kind of student leader that makes an immediate and powerful impact on those around her. I wish I had an Emerson McKee in all of my art classes.

Dr. Cavill