‘Tis the Season

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas as last week the West End Business & Professional Association Holiday decorations were placed by city crew members. The decorations are maintained and purchased by WEBPA. Thanks to Bruce Guckenberg each year, all decorations are tested and any burned-out bulbs are replaced prior to the decorations going up.

Also sponsored by WEBPA is the Christmas tree at the Triangle Lot, Sol Duc Way. A tree has been acquired, thanks to Ken and Darlene Olson, and was due to go up this week. City crew members also assist with placing the tree and the lights, and decorations on the tree.

The official Tree Lighting Ceremony, with Santa doing the honors, will take place on Saturday, Dec. 2 right after the Twinkle Light Holiday Parade. The parade begins at 6:30 p.m. and runs from “C” St. to Sol Duc Way.