Thank you Forks Community Hospital

Dear Editor,

My family and I would like to give a hardy thank you to the Forks Community Hospital staff who did an outstanding job in dealing with the tragedy that struck our family in mid-January. When staff realized our unborn grandson was in distress they did all they could to save him and his mother. I understand his little heart stopped beating just before he was delivered via cesarean.

There must have been a score or more hospital personnel there instantly doing CPR and calling experts in Seattle -Tacoma area and everything else they could to keep him alive. After many minutes of CPR he looked fine to me but he was still far from fine. An ambulance had to be called from Tacoma because the weather was too bad to fly. The mother was in distress also and had to be flown to Seattle the next day. She is doing much better now and may be coming home soon.

We have the blessed hope and promise in the Holy Bible that we will see our dear grandson again on resurrection morning when Jesus comes. We believe the angels will place him in his mother’s arms and she will get to raise that child in the sin-free environment of heaven.

We would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Pfaff who did all she could to keep the baby and mother alive. Plus Deborah Dillon and Jen Adams and many others who worked so hard to save our baby and daughter.

Ivan and Diane Cowles