Celebrate your summer reading achievement with a library swim party!

The North Olympic Library System, in partnership with the William Shore Memorial Pool, the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center and the Forks Athletic and Aquatic Center.......

The North Olympic Library System, in partnership with the William Shore Memorial Pool, the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center and the Forks Athletic and Aquatic Center, will host an end-of-summer pool party for all Summer Reading Program participants and their parents or caregivers on Saturday, Aug. 1.

Free swims will take place from 4-6 p.m. at the William Shore Pool in Port Angeles, from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center, and from 3-5 p.m. at the Forks Athletic and Aquatic Center. All children in attendance must be accompanied by an adult.

This will be a culminating event of the 2015 Summer Reading Program, which each year provides an array of educational, cultural and incentive-based programs to encourage children to continue reading and learning during their summer vacations. Research shows that children who participate in summer library programs benefit academically from story hours and special events encouraging them to read throughout the summer.

Celebrate your summer reading achievement with a library swim party!

The North Olympic Library System, in partnership with the William Shore Memorial Pool, the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center and the Forks Athletic and Aquatic Center, will host an end-of-summer pool party for all Summer Reading Program participants and their parents or caregivers on Saturday, Aug. 1. Free swims will take place from 4-6 p.m. at the William Shore Pool in Port Angeles, from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center, and from 3-5 p.m. at the Forks Athletic and Aquatic Center. All children in attendance must be accompanied by an adult.

This will be a culminating event of the 2015 Summer Reading Program, which each year provides an array of educational, cultural and incentive-based programs to encourage children to continue reading and learning during their summer vacations. Research shows that children who participate in summer library programs benefit academically from story hours and special events encouraging them to read throughout the summer.