Tod Horton Memorial fund donates $1500

Goest towards West End Youth League Duncan Field bleachers

Tod Horton donation

Shannon Allen – Forks Forum photo 

Dan Trickey (center) presented a check for $1500 to the West End Youth League on Thursday, March 8 in memory of the late Forks youth sports coach Tod Horton. The funds were raised by the Tod Horton Memorial Softball Tournament and are going towards the purchase of six aluminum bleachers for the West End Youth League’s Duncan Park baseball fields. Having bleachers at the little league fields was a dream of Tod Horton. “That dream is coming true thanks to the family and friends of Tod Horton," Trickey said. Receiving the check on behalf of the WEYL are the league’s 2012 officers (from left):  Jolene Winger, Robert Williams, Grace Powers and Tamara Finley.