THE REAL FORKS: Where’s the rain?

By Christy Rasmussen-Ford

Thanks to “Twilight,” Forks has received an unfair reputation of never having any sun. To make matters worse, Forks truly never has any sun.


Of course, we natives know this isn’t entirely true.


We do get about three hours of sun, usually in August sometime.


On that glorious, sun-drenched day, everyone in town can be found in shorts, tank tops and flip flops with the tops down on any convertibles, sunglasses on, and on their way to the beach, lake, river, etc., regardless of weather the mercury rises above 60 degrees or not.


We have to seize those three hours – treasure them, remember them and glory in all they have to offer.


For those who happen to be working, well, there’s always next year.


It seems on our annual sunny day, I always have to come in contact with all the tourists who came here for the rain.


“Where’s the rain? I thought this place had non-stop rain! I could have gone anywhere else for sun. I came for the rain!”


(True story, I heard these exact words yesterday.)


Being a huge fan of the sun, I wanted to slap him.


But I didn’t want to add Forks’ now-world-famous reputation of werewolf/vampire violence.


Instead, I told the man that he came on the wrong day, but to not worry as the sun only stays for three hours a year.


He laughed.


I told him this wasn’t a joke.


He laughed again.


How is he not getting this?


I then admitted that I hated the rain.


He commented that I lived in the wrong place.


Thank you Captain Obvious. I hadn’t noticed.


Truth of the matter is that I love (almost) everything else here.


I just wish it didn’t rain.


I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of rooting for global warming … at least in Forks.


Maybe we could have two whole days of sun? (Ahh, heaven.)


The only problem with that would be that I would come in contact with tourists for two days who want their money back.


Maybe we could start a new reputation though!


Maybe we can change our town motto to, “Forks; Come for Both Days of Sun!”


This will save us from disappointing the tourists who come here for the rain.


Personally, I kind of think they are nuts for coming here to experience the rain.


Dear tourists, turn your shower to cold and step in … fully clothed with hair and make-up (if applicable) fixed. When you are good and soaked, go about your day.


Experience as much as you can while soaking wet; football games, parades, baseball, errands … Do it all!


Then, you will have a small glimpse of what it’s like in rainy Forks. We have a lot of beautiful things to experience here, but (in my opinion), rain isn’t one of them.


I promise, if you come on one of our sunny days, you will appreciate the beauty much more.


And if you are disappointed that it’s not raining, please don’t mention it to me.


Just slap me in the face instead.