Nothing says people are reading what you write like when you write you are going to write about something …….
This is a tale of two stories that appeared in last week’s Forks Forum. One is about saving our history, the other is about covering
Vandalism: an action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
Recently our little community experienced
In a letter to the editor in last week’s Forks Forum from D. Brown, Brown questioned a notice she happened to see on the window at the Forks Post Office and what it was about.
What has been discovered is that this little notice at the Post Office was the only notice our community received regarding this activity that the Navy soon will be implementing in our area. The activity includes installation and operation of equipment on an existing tower at Octopus Mountain and operation of the Mobile Electronic Warfare Training System, vehicle mounted emitters, in the Olympic Peninsula on USFS and WSDNR lands to facilitate training.
In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” George Bailey does not realize what a wonderful life he has or how the wonderful life he has lived has touched so many people in so many ways with even the smallest of actions. Unlike George Bailey, sometimes people know what a wonderful life they have been blessed with living. Such was the case when former Forks Mayor Richard Haberman called me in the spring of 2012.
In response to a column that I wrote a few weeks ago, a lovely lady from out of town (and clearly a fan) e-mailed me. She wrote those three little words that everyone loves to hear: “Educate yourself sometime!” That was it. No “How are you? How are the kids? How’s the weather?” Just a simple direction to educate myself.
One of my favorite things to do is spend a day in Clallam Bay and/or Sekiu. So last Thursday I asked my mom if she would like to join me for a drive to the sister towns on the strait.
I was talking with the chief of police a few weeks ago and I mentioned that I had never seen the inside of the Forks Jail. I was quick to add that this was simply due to luck in my teenage years. I was a foolish teenager who thought she was 10 feet tall and bullet proof.
Like many of you, I come from a long line of logging industry working fools. They weren’t fools because of the dangerous working conditions or long hours in horrible weather, but because they had no bathroom nearby for their entire shift.
I always have had the feeling that my community of Forks is the Rodney Dangerfield of towns, regardless of what happens good, we only seem to be acknowledged when something bad happens, you know, in the words of the late Dangerfield, “We just don’t get no respect.”